Sinton Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Can Invisalign loosen teeth?

Not really! But your teeth might feel a little loose. Although Invisalign is normally painless, you may experience a feeling that your teeth are loose while wearing your aligners. That’s because the teeth are shifting, and the sensation is quite natural.

Mildly uneven or loose teeth could be a good indicator that your Invisalign treatment is working.

Invisalign works by gradually loosening your teeth and then gently guiding them into the proper position. As a result, teeth that are being straightened can become loose at times.

When Will The Looseness Go Away?

When the teeth are kept in their new position, the looseness goes away.

In the interim, patients may choose to eat softer foods while their teeth are loose. The loose teeth usually do not stay loose for long. The jaw and body tighten their grip on the tooth, and everything returns to normal.

What to do in case teeth feel extremely loose during Invisalign Treatment?

There could be an issue if the teeth are overly movable or the wobble lasts longer than expected. If you experience this issue, you should see your dentist right away!

The following are some of the most common causes of loose teeth after Invisalign treatment:

  • Too much grinding on the Invisalign tray
  • Gum disease
  • Resorption of the roots
  • Lack of Bony support
  • Occlusal trauma

Why Choose Invisalign?

You can replace traditional metal braces with Invisalign braces. Because they are made up of two clear aligners that are custom-fit to your mouth’s exact shape and size, they are almost unnoticeable. Invisalign isn’t for everyone, but it’s ideal for people who simply need minor tooth alignment, including mild to moderate misalignment, overbite, or underbite.

If you have substantial or concerning tooth wobbling, you should consult your dentist or orthodontist. It’s always preferable to be safe

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!